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Budapest egész területe:

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Nem működő CURL function.

Írta: Kovács Dorina

Labor glass Perkáta Fejér megye

Labor glass Perkáta Fejér megye

Laborglass and technical glassware

Laborglass refers to glassware and equipment used in a laboratory setting for a variety of scientific and research purposes. It is designed to meet special requirements such as heat resistance, chemical compatibility and precision measurements. Laborglass is typically made of borosilicate glass, which is known for its excellent heat and chemical resistance.

Laborglass and technical glassware

Laborglass refers to glassware and equipment used in a laboratory setting for a variety of scientific and research purposes. It is designed to meet special requirements such as heat resistance, chemical compatibility and precision measurements. Laborglass is typically made of borosilicate glass, which is known for its excellent heat and chemical resistance.

Some common examples of lab glass are:

Beakers: These are flat-bottomed cylindrical containers used to store, mix, and heat liquids.

Erlenmeyer flasks: These are flat-bottomed, narrow-necked conical flasks. It is commonly used for titrations, mixing solutions and culturing microorganisms.

Test tubes: These are cylindrical tubes with rounded bottoms that are used to hold and mix small amounts of liquids or solids. It is often used in experiments and chemical reactions.

Pipettes: Pipettes are used to accurately measure and transfer small volumes of liquids. They come in different forms, such as micropipettes, which are used to measure microliters of liquid, and graduated pipettes, which are used to measure larger volumes.

Burettes: Burettes are long, graduated glass tubes with a stopcock at the bottom and are used for precise and controlled dosing of liquids during titration and volumetric analysis. They enable the precise measurement and delivery of the amount of liquid.
Condensers: Condensers are glass vessels used to cool vapors and condense them back into liquid form. It is commonly used in distillation equipment to separate and collect the various components of a mixture based on their boiling point. Capacitors can be made in various designs, such as Liebig capacitors and Graham capacitors, each of which has its own unique application.

Flasks: Flasks are glass containers with a wide base, long neck and often a stopper. They come in different shapes and sizes, such as spherical flasks, flat-bottomed flasks, and Florence flasks. Flasks are used to store liquids, conduct reactions, and as reaction vessels in various laboratory procedures.

Glass funnels: Glass funnels are cone-shaped glassware with narrow stems. They are used to pour liquids or powders into containers with narrow openings, such as bottles or beakers, while ensuring minimal spillage. Glass funnels are commonly used in filtration processes to separate solids from liquids.

Petri dishes: Petri dishes are shallow, cylindrical glass or plastic dishes with lids. It is used in microbiological and cell culture experiments to breed and grow microorganisms or cells. Petri dishes provide a sterile environment for the growth of bacteria, fungi or other microorganisms.

Measuring cylinders: Measuring cylinders are tall, cylindrical glass containers with a calibrated scale on the side. They are used for high-precision measurement and transmission of liquids. Measuring cylinders come in various sizes and are commonly used in volumetric analysis, laboratory experiments, and preparation of solutions.

Glass stirring rods: Glass stirring rods are long, thin glass rods used to stir liquids or solutions in laboratory settings. They typically have a rounded end or a paddle-like shape on one end for efficient mixing and stirring. Glass stirring rods are chemically neutral, easy to clean and resistant to high temperatures, making them suitable for various fields of application in scientific research and experimentation.

Glassware Adapters and Connectors: Glassware adapters and connectors are essential components used to connect different pieces of glassware in laboratory setups. They allow various devices to be connected and securely fixed, ensuring proper operation and fluid delivery. Adapters and connectors come in a variety of shapes and sizes to meet specific experimental requirements. Examples include the three-way adapter, T-connector, and vacuum adapters used to connect vacuum pumps or condensers.

Hourglasses: Hourglasses are small, concave glass vessels with slight rims around the edges. They are used for different purposes in laboratory conditions. Watch glasses can be used to cover beakers or containers to prevent the contents from evaporating or becoming contaminated. They are also useful for holding small samples during measurement or as a surface for evaporating small amounts of liquid. In addition, watch glasses can be used as surfaces for performing small-scale reactions or as spot plates for mixing and observing small-scale reactions.

Measuring cylinders: Measuring cylinders are tall, cylindrical glass containers with a calibrated scale on the side. They are used for high-precision measurement and transmission of liquids.

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